
398 lines
12 KiB

// @ts-check
import assert from 'node:assert/strict'
import { createRequire } from 'node:module'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'
import fs from 'node:fs'
import path from 'node:path'
import replace from '@rollup/plugin-replace'
import json from '@rollup/plugin-json'
import pico from 'picocolors'
import commonJS from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs'
import polyfillNode from 'rollup-plugin-polyfill-node'
import { nodeResolve } from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve'
import esbuild from 'rollup-plugin-esbuild'
import alias from '@rollup/plugin-alias'
import { entries } from './scripts/aliases.js'
import { inlineEnums } from './scripts/inline-enums.js'
import { minify as minifySwc } from '@swc/core'
* @template T
* @template {keyof T} K
* @typedef { Omit<T, K> & Required<Pick<T, K>> } MarkRequired
/** @typedef {'cjs' | 'esm-bundler' | 'global' | 'global-runtime' | 'esm-browser' | 'esm-bundler-runtime' | 'esm-browser-runtime'} PackageFormat */
/** @typedef {MarkRequired<import('rollup').OutputOptions, 'file' | 'format'>} OutputOptions */
if (!process.env.TARGET) {
throw new Error('TARGET package must be specified via --environment flag.')
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url)
const __dirname = fileURLToPath(new URL('.', import.meta.url))
const masterVersion = require('./package.json').version
const consolidatePkg = require('@vue/consolidate/package.json')
const privatePackages = fs.readdirSync('packages-private')
const pkgBase = privatePackages.includes(process.env.TARGET)
? `packages-private`
: `packages`
const packagesDir = path.resolve(__dirname, pkgBase)
const packageDir = path.resolve(packagesDir, process.env.TARGET)
const resolve = (/** @type {string} */ p) => path.resolve(packageDir, p)
const pkg = require(resolve(`package.json`))
const packageOptions = pkg.buildOptions || {}
const name = packageOptions.filename || path.basename(packageDir)
const [enumPlugin, enumDefines] = inlineEnums()
/** @type {Record<PackageFormat, OutputOptions>} */
const outputConfigs = {
'esm-bundler': {
file: resolve(`dist/${name}.esm-bundler.js`),
format: 'es',
'esm-browser': {
file: resolve(`dist/${name}.esm-browser.js`),
format: 'es',
cjs: {
file: resolve(`dist/${name}.cjs.js`),
format: 'cjs',
global: {
file: resolve(`dist/${name}.global.js`),
format: 'iife',
// runtime-only builds, for main "vue" package only
'esm-bundler-runtime': {
file: resolve(`dist/${name}.runtime.esm-bundler.js`),
format: 'es',
'esm-browser-runtime': {
file: resolve(`dist/${name}.runtime.esm-browser.js`),
format: 'es',
'global-runtime': {
file: resolve(`dist/${name}`),
format: 'iife',
/** @type {ReadonlyArray<PackageFormat>} */
const defaultFormats = ['esm-bundler', 'cjs']
/** @type {ReadonlyArray<PackageFormat>} */
const inlineFormats = /** @type {any} */ (
process.env.FORMATS && process.env.FORMATS.split(',')
/** @type {ReadonlyArray<PackageFormat>} */
const packageFormats = inlineFormats || packageOptions.formats || defaultFormats
const packageConfigs = process.env.PROD_ONLY
? []
: => createConfig(format, outputConfigs[format]))
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
packageFormats.forEach(format => {
if ( === false) {
if (format === 'cjs') {
if (/^(global|esm-browser)(-runtime)?/.test(format)) {
export default packageConfigs
* @param {PackageFormat} format
* @param {OutputOptions} output
* @param {ReadonlyArray<import('rollup').Plugin>} plugins
* @returns {import('rollup').RollupOptions}
function createConfig(format, output, plugins = []) {
if (!output) {
console.log(pico.yellow(`invalid format: "${format}"`))
const isProductionBuild =
process.env.__DEV__ === 'false' || /\.prod\.js$/.test(output.file)
const isBundlerESMBuild = /esm-bundler/.test(format)
const isBrowserESMBuild = /esm-browser/.test(format)
const isServerRenderer = name === 'server-renderer'
const isCJSBuild = format === 'cjs'
const isGlobalBuild = /global/.test(format)
const isCompatPackage = === '@vue/compat' || === '@vue/compat-canary'
const isCompatBuild = !!packageOptions.compat
const isBrowserBuild =
(isGlobalBuild || isBrowserESMBuild || isBundlerESMBuild) &&
output.banner = `/**
* ${} v${masterVersion}
* (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors
* @license MIT
output.exports = isCompatPackage ? 'auto' : 'named'
if (isCJSBuild) {
output.esModule = true
output.sourcemap = !!process.env.SOURCE_MAP
output.externalLiveBindings = false
output.reexportProtoFromExternal = false
if (isGlobalBuild) { =
let entryFile = /runtime$/.test(format) ? `src/runtime.ts` : `src/index.ts`
// the compat build needs both default AND named exports. This will cause
// Rollup to complain for non-ESM targets, so we use separate entries for
// esm vs. non-esm builds.
if (isCompatPackage && (isBrowserESMBuild || isBundlerESMBuild)) {
entryFile = /runtime$/.test(format)
? `src/esm-runtime.ts`
: `src/esm-index.ts`
function resolveDefine() {
/** @type {Record<string, string>} */
const replacements = {
__COMMIT__: `"${process.env.COMMIT}"`,
__VERSION__: `"${masterVersion}"`,
// this is only used during Vue's internal tests
__TEST__: `false`,
// If the build is expected to run directly in the browser (global / esm builds)
__BROWSER__: String(isBrowserBuild),
__GLOBAL__: String(isGlobalBuild),
__ESM_BUNDLER__: String(isBundlerESMBuild),
__ESM_BROWSER__: String(isBrowserESMBuild),
// is targeting Node (SSR)?
__CJS__: String(isCJSBuild),
// need SSR-specific branches?
__SSR__: String(!isGlobalBuild),
// 2.x compat build
__COMPAT__: String(isCompatBuild),
// feature flags
: `true`,
: `false`,
: `false`,
if (!isBundlerESMBuild) {
// hard coded dev/prod builds
replacements.__DEV__ = String(!isProductionBuild)
// allow inline overrides like
//__RUNTIME_COMPILE__=true pnpm build runtime-core
Object.keys(replacements).forEach(key => {
if (key in process.env) {
const value = process.env[key]
assert(typeof value === 'string')
replacements[key] = value
return replacements
// esbuild define is a bit strict and only allows literal json or identifiers
// so we still need replace plugin in some cases
function resolveReplace() {
const replacements = { ...enumDefines }
if (isProductionBuild && isBrowserBuild) {
Object.assign(replacements, {
'context.onError(': `/*@__PURE__*/ context.onError(`,
'emitError(': `/*@__PURE__*/ emitError(`,
'createCompilerError(': `/*@__PURE__*/ createCompilerError(`,
'createDOMCompilerError(': `/*@__PURE__*/ createDOMCompilerError(`,
if (isBundlerESMBuild) {
Object.assign(replacements, {
// preserve to be handled by bundlers
__DEV__: `!!(process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')`,
// for compiler-sfc browser build inlined deps
if (isBrowserESMBuild) {
Object.assign(replacements, {
'process.env': '({})',
'process.platform': '""',
'process.stdout': 'null',
if (Object.keys(replacements).length) {
return [replace({ values: replacements, preventAssignment: true })]
} else {
return []
function resolveExternal() {
const treeShakenDeps = [
if (isGlobalBuild || isBrowserESMBuild || isCompatPackage) {
if (!packageOptions.enableNonBrowserBranches) {
// normal browser builds - non-browser only imports are tree-shaken,
// they are only listed here to suppress warnings.
return treeShakenDeps
} else {
// Node / esm-bundler builds.
// externalize all direct deps unless it's the compat build.
return [
...Object.keys(pkg.dependencies || {}),
...Object.keys(pkg.peerDependencies || {}),
// for @vue/compiler-sfc / server-renderer
...['path', 'url', 'stream'],
// somehow these throw warnings for runtime-* package builds
function resolveNodePlugins() {
// we are bundling forked consolidate.js in compiler-sfc which dynamically
// requires a ton of template engines which should be ignored.
/** @type {ReadonlyArray<string>} */
let cjsIgnores = []
if ( === '@vue/compiler-sfc' || === '@vue/compiler-sfc-canary'
) {
cjsIgnores = [
const nodePlugins =
(format === 'cjs' && Object.keys(pkg.devDependencies || {}).length) ||
? [
sourceMap: false,
ignore: cjsIgnores,
...(format === 'cjs' ? [] : [polyfillNode()]),
: []
return nodePlugins
return {
input: resolve(entryFile),
// Global and Browser ESM builds inlines everything so that they can be
// used alone.
external: resolveExternal(),
plugins: [
namedExports: false,
tsconfig: path.resolve(__dirname, 'tsconfig.json'),
sourceMap: output.sourcemap,
minify: false,
target: isServerRenderer || isCJSBuild ? 'es2019' : 'es2016',
define: resolveDefine(),
onwarn: (msg, warn) => {
if (msg.code !== 'CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY') {
treeshake: {
moduleSideEffects: false,
function createProductionConfig(/** @type {PackageFormat} */ format) {
return createConfig(format, {
file: resolve(`dist/${name}.${format}.prod.js`),
format: outputConfigs[format].format,
function createMinifiedConfig(/** @type {PackageFormat} */ format) {
return createConfig(
file: outputConfigs[format].file.replace(/\.js$/, '.prod.js'),
format: outputConfigs[format].format,
name: 'swc-minify',
async renderChunk(
{ format, sourcemap, sourcemapExcludeSources },
) {
const { code, map } = await minifySwc(contents, {
module: format === 'es',
compress: {
ecma: 2016,
pure_getters: true,
safari10: true,
mangle: true,
sourceMap: !!sourcemap,
inlineSourcesContent: !sourcemapExcludeSources,
return { code, map: map || null }